Wireless Access
The Student Commons, Larrick Student Center, and Hunton Student Center are equipped with Wirelss Networks for Students, Faculty, and Guests of the Univeristy alike.
- VCU SafeNet - For all associated with VCU and VCUHealth
- Eduroam - For Guests of the Univeristy that have a .edu email address from a institution that participates in the Eduroam program. Logging in with your credentials from your institution give you access to the same secure network as your home office. If unsure if your institution participates in the Eduroam program, please contact your respective IT department or check https://incommon.org/eduroam/eduroam-u-s-locator-map/
- VCU Guest Wireless - For all guests of the University that wish to access the internet. A free account must be established and your email address must be verified. After the account has been generated network access will be given to verify the email address used, failure to verify will cause the connection to be closed after 10 minutes.